The Dog Knows - Mary Farrelly

Mary Farrelly is the founder of ‘THE DOG KNOWS’

Having struggled with a lack of confidence for a large part of her life, Mary has always understood what it feels like to be the under-dog. She understands only too well the impact of not having a voice and feeling misunderstood, regardless of whether you are an adult, a child, or an animal.

Mary provides educational and coaching support for both people and their dogs with the aim of transforming how we communicate. She sets out to create a positive change in how we consider the emotions and feelings of our dogs because these play a large part in predicting a dog’s behaviour. She has delivered workshops and webinars for children and adults to explain how the mindset of a dog influences its behaviours.

Mary has spoken on Dublin 102.3 FM radio station and at national events. In 2020 she made it the finals of Network Ireland Annual Awards and left with a Highly Commended title for her innovative business “The Dog Knows”.

Mary has developed an educational programme aimed at primary school children to help them learn how to be safe around dogs. This programme teaches the importance of understanding the body language of their dog and what they are trying to say to us.

The Dog Knows believes that when people are fully equipped with the skills, knowledge and understanding to ‘Think Dog, Talk Dog’ they can confidently become a true best friend to their best friend.