Shenick Veterinary Clinic
Shenick Veterinary Centre is your new, one-stop pet care provider. Their fully equipped Hospital in Skerries caters to the town of Skerries and to the areas of Rush, Lusk, Balbrothery and Balbriggan. Their branch in Stamullen offers services convenient to Stamullen, Naul, Gormanston and surrounding areas. And their new state of the art Balbriggan branch recently opened in October 2019 catering to an even larger population of North Dublin.
Hydrotherapy is more that just swimming at the beach or in a lake. It involves a lot of physiotherapy, practised knowledge and water massage as well as soft, gentle exercise promoting healthy joint movement, fitness and weight loss if required. It is a safe, controlled swimming environment in warm, clean water. Their pool is heated to a specific temperature for rehabilitation. Swimming in a hydrotherapy pool allows the muscles to work more efficiently. Cold water constricts blood vessels close to the skin restricting blood flow to the muscles.
Many dogs come to the Shenick Veterinary Clinic pool once their therapy course is completed for the sheer enjoyment of it. It becomes a fun alternative to regular exercise for many pets!